Judy Yung on Chinese Prostitution

Judy Yung on Chinese Prostitution – Frontier Women
Interview by Dmae Roberts
1 Disc, 78:56

JUDY: I’m Judy Yung, and I teach in Asian American studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and my research and expertise has been on the study and history of Chinese women in the United States from the gold rush period of the 1850s through today. And I’ve written two books on the subject: “Unbound Feet: A Social History of Chinese Women in San Francisco,” and “Unbound Voices: A Documentary History of Chinese Women in San Francisco.” And my first book, actually, was “Chinese Women of America” pictorial history, where I covered 150 years of history with the first arrival of Chinese women in New York in 1834 and brought it all the way to the time the book was published in the 1980s.

DMAE: So, how many Chinese women came to the states in the beginning? Read more...